Journal Articles and Reviews
Books and Edited Volumes, Conferences, Fellowships, Projects
Peer-reviewed Journals
“The Irish Community in Rome, 1377-1870: A Historiographical Overview”, in Archivium Hibernicum 71 (2018), 145-155.
“‘A Powerful 'Hibernese': Luke Wadding and his diplomatic role in seventeenth-century Rome”, in Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique 112 (2017), 169-184.
“La storiografia sulle migrazioni irlandesi in età moderna: un breve excursus”, in Studi Emigrazione LIV, n.206 (2017), 291-306.
“Luke Wadding and Irish diplomatic activity in seventeenth-century Rome”, in Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies 6 (2016), 193-203.
“Le migrazioni irlandesi in Francia fra il XVI e i primi decenni del XIX secolo. Lo status quaestonis”, in Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies 4 (2014), 163-179.
“Gli esuli irlandesi nella Roma del Seicento”, in Bollettino della Società di Studi Valdesi 214 (2014), 79-115.
(with Vera Orschel), “List of Irish students admitted to the Irish College of Rome, 1628-1798”, in Archivium Hibernicum 66 (2013), 16-62.
“La comunità irlandese a Roma, 1377-1870. Il case-study storiografico”, in Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies2 (2012), 353-376.
“Le rôle et les activités des missionnaires catholiques en Acadie de 1610 à 1710”, in Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique102, 2 (2007), 428-445.
“Capucins, jésuites et récollets en Acadie de 1610 à 1710: une première évangélisation assez chaotique”, in Histoire & Missions Chretiennes 2 (2007), 163-176.
“Few, Uncooperative, and Endangered: The Troubled Activity of the Roman Catholic missionaries in Acadia (1610-1710)”, in Reformation and Renaissance Review 8, 3 (2006), 321-347.
Other Journals
“Nuove fonti ecclesiastiche romane per lo studio dell'emigrazione italiana in Nord America”, in Archivio Storico dell'emigrazione italiana 12 (2016), 94-97.
“La comunità irlandese a Roma. Lo status questionis”, in RiMe 7 (Dicembre 2011), 27-44.
“The Activity of Irish Priests in the West Indies: 1638-1669”, in Society for Irish Latin American Studies 7, 4 (November 2011), available at
“Migrazioni nel mondo mediterraneo durante l’età moderna. Il case-study storiografico italiano”, in RiMe 6 (Giugno 2011), 45-113.
“James Jones: missionnaire catholique Irlandais en Nouvelle-Écosse, (1785-1800)”, in Les Cahiers de la société historique acadienne, 39, 1 (Janvier-Mars 2008), 9-16.
“Few, Uncooperative, and Endangered: The Troubled Activity of the Roman Catholic missionaries in Acadia (1610-1710)”, in Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, Journal 10 (2007), 147-162.
“Les activités des missionnaires catholiques romains en Acadie/Nouvelle-Écosse (1610-1755)”, in Les Cahiers de la société historique acadienne 37, 1 (Janvier-Mars 2006), 4-29.
“James Jones: An Irish Catholic missionary in Nova Scotia, 1785-1800”, in Il Canada e le rotte della libertà, ed. Giovanni Dotoli (Fasano: Schena Editore, 2006), 569-575.
“L’Acadia e i missionari francesi: un rapporto difficile”, in Culture e letterature di lingua francese in Canada, ed. Giovanni Dotoli (Fasano: Schena Editore, 2005), 131-138.
“I Cappuccini Europei nell’America Francese nella prima metà del seicento”, in Miscellanea di storia delle esplorazioni geografiche XXVII (2002), 85-109.
Reforms of Christian Life in Sixteenth Century Italy, by Querciolo Mazzonis (London-New York: Routledge, 2022), in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 74 no. 3 (July 2023), 663-664.
The Holy Land and the Early Modern Reinvention of Catholicism, by Megan C. Armstrong (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021), in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 73 no. 2 (April 2022), 424-425.
Matrimoni post-tridentini. Un dibattito dottrinale fra continuità e cambiamento (secc. XVI–XVIII), by Giuseppe Mazzanti (Bologna: Bonomia University Press, 2021), in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 72 no. 4 (October 2021), 890-891.
English Convents in Catholic Europe, c.1600-1800, by James E. Kelly (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), in Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies, 11 (2021), 486-487.
Trasgressioni necessaire. Communicatio in sacris, coesistenza e conflitti tra le comunità cristiane orientali (Levante e Impero Ottomano, XVII–XVIII secolo), by Cesare Santus (Rome: École Française de Rome, 2019), in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 71 no. 4 (October 2020), 873-874.
Blurred Nationalities across the North Atlantic: Traders, Priests, and Their Kin Travelling Between North America and the Italian Peninsula, 1763-1846, by Luca Codignola (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2019), in American Catholic Studies, 131 no. 2 (Summer 2020), 88-90.
Governare le missioni, conoscere il mondo nel XVII secolo. La congregazione pontificia De Propaganda Fide, by Giovanni Pizzorusso (Viterbo: Edizioni Sette Città, 2018), in Archivum Historiae Pontificiae, 53 no. 2 (2020), 408-410.
Spain and the Irish Mission, 1609-1707, by Cristina Bravo Lozano (New York: Routledge, 2018), in Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies, 18 (2020), 359-360.
Exiles in a Global City. The Irish and Early Modern Rome, 1609-1783, by Clare Lois Carroll (Leiden: Brill, 2017), in Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 57 no. 4 (2019), 394-395.
Irish Voices from the Spanish Inquisition: Migrants, Converts and Brokers in Early-Modern Iberia, by Thomas O’Connor (New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2016), in Journal of Early Modern History, 21 (2017), 595-596.
Irish Voices from the Spanish Inquisition: Migrants, Converts and Brokers in Early-Modern Iberia, by Thomas O’Connor (New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2016), in The Catholic Historical Review, 103 no. 2 (2017), 351-352.
Il Cimitero acattolico di Roma, by Antonio Menniti Ippolito (Roma: Viella, 2014), in Bollettino della Società di Studi Valdesi, 215 (2014), 237-238.
Into the Lion's Den: The Jesuit Mission in Elizabethan England and Wales, by Robert E. Scully (St. Louis: The Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2011), in Reformation and Renaissance Review, 16 no. 3 (2013), 280.
Tous les chemins mènent à Rome. Arts de vivre et de réussir à la cour pontificale au XVIe siècle, by Pierre Hurtubise (Ottawa: Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, 2009), in Reformation and Renaissance Review, 12 no. 1 (2010), 111.
The Irish College, Rome and its World, ed. by Dáire Keogh & Albert McDonnell (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2008), in Reformation and Renaissance Review, 11 no. 1 (2009), 121-122.